Manchild Ministries

Manchild Ministries is an integral part of and under the supervision of the Potter’s Gate Ministries. However, the ministry enjoys the right to conduct its business and promote its ministries
Manchild Ministries exist to mobilize men for Christian action, for fostering Christian fellowship and the utilization of our men in active Christian ministry.
The ministry provides a safe alliance for like-minded men from across the world to connect and become a part of a very special network created to inspire, motivate and empower men, from all backgrounds.
The ministry assists in unifying, empowering and restoring men to their God given responsibility of leadership.
Manchild ministries challenge, train, and involve men in meaningful ministries in key areas of the Potter’s Gate Ministries, like-minded affiliated ministries, at work and home.
Come join us, as we voyage to the bottom of the wounded hearts of men. You will experience the transforming power of God’s word as He challenges the frustrations and afflictions that have caused many men to become silent as a lamb and have lost their stand to roar like a lion.
It has been Satan’s plot through the world system to destroy the male seed and many men have become increasingly emasculated by tragedies, traumas and abuse.
The ministry helps restores marriages, healed confidences and establish the boldness that God intended for men.
The ministry is for every man who ever needed to bear his heart and had no one to hear it. It is for every man who has ever had an issue he could not discuss.
The ministry also provides women a deeper understanding into the caves and crevices of the masculine heart.
The Manchild Ministries represents over comers at the end- time. Men throughout history have attained to a state of full maturity, or completion for their era through this ministry. The ministry develops men into maturity as a corporate body not just as individuals.